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Rock My World Canada!
All. Canadian. Music.
Submissions - Rock My World Canada welcomes all musical genres! If you would like to be featured on our site please send your bio, photo, links, and contact info to [email protected]
Music & Merchandise - If you would like us to list your music and merchandise we can offer your products for one low rate of 6.5 percent of your selling price. All items will be listed on your artist page.
Very Important - Shipping will be the responsibility of the artists, so keep this in mind when pricing. You will receive a notice from us that will provide all customer info - each notice will have a "Sold To" and a "Ship To" on the form. "Sold To" indicates the product was sold to Rock My World Canada on your behalf, and that payment was received by us. "Ship To" is your customer address and you will not be required to bill them. You will receive payment from us for full amount of the sale, less our commission. No additional hidden fees or requirements!