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Chris Hall (new wave, rock)

Toronto's Chris Hall was a new wave singer-songwriter whose first album, ‘Lifeline’, on Capitol was recorded at Integrated Sound and featured backing musicians Fred Mandel, Eddie Schwartz, Jon Czechowski, Gary Craig and engineer Glen Johanson.  His 1983 follow-up, ‘Hypnotized’, featured many of the same players plus Kit Johnson (Johnny Dee Fury), and Cameron Hawkins (FM). - Jaimie Vernon, The Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia

chris hall.jpg
Chris Hall - Lifeline - 1981.jpg

Lifeline - 1981


A1 Lifeline 3:29                                                    A2 Beat Of My Heart 2:52

A3 Strange About That Smile 3:42                      A4 When I Can 3:29

A5 Last Ones In This Bar 4:10                            B1 Fast Living 3:06

B2 Rolling Dime 4:48                                          B3 Blind Love 3:46

B4 Loneliness 4:47                                              B5 Industry 5:12

Chris Hall - Hypnotized - 1983.jpg

Hypnotized - 1983


A1 Quiver 3:32                                                      A2 Hypnotized 3:20

A3 Without Love 4:14                                           A4 When I Saw You 3:02

A5 No Harm 3:36                                                  B1 It's All You 3:37

B2 Someday 3:55                                                 B3 People Like Us 4:44

B4 Live With That 4:45                                         B5 For You 4:29


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